What are the basic prerequisites for a will to be considered valid?
Any document for testamentary succession, needs to fulfil certain legal criteria to be recognised as a Will. Depending upon the country, the legal requisites in respect of a valid Will can be different. It is important to know these pre-requisites of a valid Will, as it determines the legal sanctity of the Will. India In...
Read MoreIs the registration of a will mandatory?
Every country has its own set of rules regarding procedure of execution, registration and implementation of Will. While some countries recognize unregistered wills, in other countries registration is legal requirement. In this episode, we understand the rules regarding registration in different countries. IndiaIn India, registration of a will is not mandatory. An unregistered will is...
The Powers & Duties of the Internal Committee (IC) The Internal Committee (IC) established by an Employer has the primary duty to conduct an inquiry into any complaint of sexual harassment received by it. However, it also has multiple other duties & responsibilities. i) When any IC receives any complaint, it has the duty to...
The Internal Committee (IC) The Sexual Harassment of Women and Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 referred to formation of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC). However, this was amended in 2016 so as to call the committee as Internal Committee (IC). Section 4 of the PoSH Act makes it mandatory for every Employer to constitute...
Read MoreWhat laws govern the execution and enforcement of Wills?
Testamentary succession is usually regulated by legislation. These legislations speak about various aspects regarding Wills including capacity to make Will, execution and implementation of Wills and allied legalities, procedures and formalities. The different laws that govern testamentary succession in various countries are as follows: IndiaIn India, the execution and enforcement of wills of Christians and...
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